Gemma Winstanley Joins Simpli Centre of Excellence as Technical Director

Simpli Technical Director Appointed

Gemma Website

We are pleased to present our new Technical Director, Gemma Winstanley, who has started this week at the Simpli Centre of Excellence. Gemma's addition to the team represents a pivotal moment for the Simpli, aligning her values and skills with its mission and aspirations. In Gemma's own words:

"Simpli’s Centre of Excellence offers a unique platform for collaborative innovation in addressing present and future challenges facing the consenting and larger building industry in Aotearoa.”

Gemma's previously served as the Lead Consenting Officer and Architectural Advisor at Wellington City Council. Her focus on process improvement, as demonstrated during her Master's thesis in Architecture, exemplifies her dedication to enhancing the intricate mechanisms that govern consenting. Gemma's experience in expanding and onboarding new technical officers, her extensive knowledge of the Simpli Portal, exceptional technical writing and research skills, and her oversight of complex projects make her the ideal person to lead the Centre of Excellence’s technical function. Gemma notes her strong focus will be on engaging with stakeholders, listening to their issues, and providing tools, research, and technical guidance to improve consistency in consenting and help the industry tackle its pressing issues.

This appointment signifies Simpli's commitment to advancing regulatory excellence and innovation. It promises a future characterised by sophistication, precision, and continued leadership in supporting BCAs in Aotearoa. Gemma concludes by saying that "the future of consenting hinges on adaptability and simplicity, especially in light of environmental challenges, housing shortages, and shifting work paradigms. Simpli is well-positioned to not only support BCAs through these changes but also to drive the conversation by harnessing its strengths of collaboration and innovation, ensuring that regulatory standards align with innovative design solutions.